What are Voting Neuron Grants?
- An intermediate solution for incentivizing voting neurons while the long-term NNS-based solution is implemented.
- 2 grants are available for each of the 4 most important proposal topics.
- The community selects who will receive the grants.
- Grants are disbursed to the selected recipients once a month, provided they submit monthly evidence of their work.
For more information, check this post.
What to do to get the grants?
As a selected candidate, you are required to apply for a Developer Award for each topic you are reviewing on the 15th of every month to receive your grant for the previous reviewing period. Please note that applications received **more than ten days after the 15th of the month cannot be considered. After your application has been successfully reviewed, you’ll receive the grant distribution, usually 10-20 days after your submission is received. Keep the following instructions in mind when filling out the application:
- When asked “Which are you?”, select “Voting Neuron Grant Recipient.”
- Select the topic(s) you are reviewing proposals for.
- Specify if you’re a team or an individual.
- Enter the neuron ID of the voting neuron in the respective input field.
- This neuron must have directly voted on at least 90% of the proposals for the chosen topic and be a known neuron.
- In the “Project Name” field, provide your organization’s name and the period you have reviewed, using the following format:
[your entity's name] - [period you have reviewed]
. Please use the entity name as outlined in this post.
- For example, on November 15th as CodeGov, you would use "CodeGov - October."
- In the “Evidence for proposal verification” input field, use this sheet where you collect your evidence along with other participants. Note that there is one sheet per review period at the bottom to collect evidence, so make sure you use the correct one. For each proposal and vote in the topics you are reviewing, share a link that points to the evidence (your forum post). Note that you need to do this for at least 90% of the proposals submitted for the topic you are reviewing to be awarded the grant. If you are a large team that applied for a team grant, at least 3 reviewers should show that they performed the verification steps individually. In this case, share a link to the evidence for each individual reviewer as already indicated in the skeleton of the sheet.